
UllmannReaction-TheUllmanreactionisanamedreactionthatinvolvesthecouplingoftwoarylhalideswiththehelpofcopper.,TheUllmanncondensationorUllmann-typereactionisthecopper-promotedconversionofarylhalidestoarylethers,arylthioethers,arylnitriles, ...,Withoveracenturyofhistory,theUllmannreactionhasbeenoneofthefirsttouseatransitionmetal,primarilycopper,initshigheroxidationstates.,由SMondal著作·2016·被引...

Reaction Details, Mechanism, Applications of Ullmann ...

Ullmann Reaction - The Ullman reaction is a named reaction that involves the coupling of two aryl halides with the help of copper.

Ullmann condensation

The Ullmann condensation or Ullmann-type reaction is the copper-promoted conversion of aryl halides to aryl ethers, aryl thioethers, aryl nitriles, ...

Ullmann reaction

With over a century of history, the Ullmann reaction has been one of the first to use a transition metal, primarily copper, in its higher oxidation states.

Recent advancement of Ullmann

由 S Mondal 著作 · 2016 · 被引用 62 次 — The present text discussed about the recent developments and applications of the Ullmann reaction in respect of the C–C bond formation.

Mechanism of the Ullmann Biaryl Ether Synthesis Catalyzed ...

由 R Giri 著作 · 2018 · 被引用 100 次 — In 1905, Ullmann synthesized biaryl ethers from the reaction of phenols with aryl bromides in the presence of KOH. (2) However, the classical ...

The Palladium-Catalyzed Ullmann Cross

由 F Khan 著作 · 2018 · 被引用 79 次 — This Account details the development of the palladium-catalyzed Ullmann cross-coupling reaction as a useful method for the assembly of a range ...

The mechanism of the modified Ullmann reaction

由 E Sperotto 著作 · 2010 · 被引用 433 次 — The copper-mediated aromatic nucleophilic substitution reactions developed by Fritz Ullmann and Irma Goldberg required stoichiometric amounts of copper and ...

Ullmann Reaction

The Ullmann reaction is a copper-promoted homo- or hetero-coupling between two aryl halides 〈74S9〉. 2,2′-Bipyrimidine (212) 〈62JOC2945〉 and 4,4′-diphenyl-2, ...